How to Generate Real Estate Leads for Investors PART 2

This is our second part of a 2 Part series on helping real estate investors get property and investment leads. If you missed out on the first part of our series, then CLICK HERE to read that before diving into this section.

The first part of our lead generation list consisted mostly of offline opportunities. But the increasing dominance of the online world means there are a ton of interesting options to explore in developing leads and a strong presence as an investor that you might want to explore.

Finding leads and developing a pipeline of investment opportunities, especially if you are interested in fix and flip projects or even a growing buy and hold strategy can benefit from some of these online marketing and lead development options.

So, let’s explore some of the latest opportunities that you might want to test out:

Online Ideas and Strategies

  • Launch an email campaign: Email has become an invaluable resource for generating leads in real estate. Used correctly, an email campaign can be a powerful marketing tool with tremendous potential to generate and capture customers.
  • PPC advertising: One of the best ways to generate leads online is PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising. With a small budget, PPC can produce a wealth of real estate leads. And this isn’t just Google or Bing ads, it’s also Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and other options to consider.
  • Create a brand for yourself with a website: Every real estate investor looking to take their business to the next level should create a website showcasing what they’ve done and promoting themselves.
  • Use online ads to target local homeowners: Taking advantage of your local market is a traditional strategy to generating real estate leads. Using online ads to target homeowners in your area is a great option for those looking for real estate lead generation ideas.
  • Answer online questions: Many real estate-related questions are asked online. This presents a prime opportunity to not only solve a problem for someone but to generate a lead for your business. In addition, it provides links back to your site which helps your site get more traffic as well.
  • Implement a pop-up ad: Don’t delicately ask your audience for their business, implement a pop-up ad and get their attention! It can be an efficient real estate lead generation method and pop-up ads can be very helpful for investors.
  • Start a blog: One of the most underrated ways to generate real estate leads is through content marketing. Starting a blog early on when developing your business and your website will help you to start getting better and more leads.
  • Utilize the benefits of Craigslist: For those looking to reach a larger audience, checkout Craigslist. The site generates an incredible number of page views per month, with more than 60 million users each month, in the U.S. alone. You want to be found where people are searching.
  • Submit a PR release: Writing and submitting a press release has the potential to not only provide brand recognition, but residual lead generation. Thanks to the Internet, an online press release has the potential to be seen by millions of people for years to come. It creates links and traffic to your site in addition to promoting you and your business.
  • Sponsor a post on a real estate website: Many website owners will create for a fee or allow you to submit a blog post to be seen and read by their site visitors. It’s a great way for additional recognition and leads that isn’t done that often by investors or real estate agents.

Social Media Lead Generation Methods for Real Estate

  • Utilize Facebook ads: It’s important to go where the people are, and Facebook is where they’re at. The social media site has roughly 2.7 billion monthly users in 2019
  • Include Pinterest or Instagram ads and promotion: Both of these social media platforms are very visual. So, showcase prior transactions that you’ve done as well as videos or written testimonials with images from previous buyers and sellers. Those testimonials make future buyers and sellers feel more secure and comfortable working with you.
  • Recruit brand ambassadors via social media: Whether past clients or brand ambassadors, investors should take full advantages of second-hand applause, especially via social media.
  • Add to a guest blog: While your audience may not be fully curated, investors can take advantage of guest blogging to get their message across.
  • Publicize customer reviews: Why not? If customers enjoy your services enough to leave a positive review, it’s important information for future customers to know about. Tell them.
  • Create a LinkedIn brand page: Whether you want to admit it or not, LinkedIn has become the leading social media site for social business. Creating a LinkedIn page can assist in gradually building up your online presence and getting additional leads.
  • Utilize Twitter ads: Similar to Facebook, advertising on Twitter has the power to generate a substantial amount of traffic to your brand. This is a tool that can be very effective if used right but will take time to learn.
  • Implement text message marketing: One of the most efficient ways to get in contact with potential leads is via text message. You want to reach them in ways that they already are using. And with the latest text messaging options and platforms, this can be quite effective.

Figuring out how to generate leads as a real estate investor can take some time. In addition, it’s going to be partly trial and error. What works in one market or even in one neighborhood might not work even half as well in another neighborhood or market. They key is to try. Just do a few tests and see which ones work best for your personality as well as your areas.

And once you have a winning combination of options, your ability to grow and increase your pipeline will be amazing!

Interested in getting financing quickly for your next fix and flip loan? If you would like to learn more about how you can quickly and easily qualify, contact us now. At Loan Ranger Capital, we’d love to speak with you about your real estate goals and objectives! Let’s see how we can help you starting TODAY!

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